Wiz's Monthly App Challenge Journal

Here we go! This monthly is all about Health Kit

So I spent a couple of days planning out the overall functionality and design of the app.

This is what I have so far:

I originally was planning on using the same progress bar as Chris however I found this awesome tutorial on youtube that I think would fit the theme perfectly.

So I still have a few adjustments on the UI that I need to work on and then I can start learning and implement healtkit framework

Can’t wait.


This looks really good, keep it up :+1:

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Well here is my progress so far…

I have finished most of the manor functionalities so far (expect for logging to the Health app)
The app is now able to add and remove liquid Intakes
The user can now set their daily goal
The loader is now configured and is displaying the correct percentage
All intakes and goal are stored in user defaults


Logging to HealthKit
Clearing Daily Intake
Configuration the pie chart

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Ok guys!!

So I got all the manor features working, its not perfect but am happy I got all the features working in time. So the app can now log to the health kit which was the final piece of the puzzle, and I actually love how the pie chart looks, I wanted to match the colors to the ones on the add intake screen but I will save that for version 2 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Here is how the app turn out

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