Work around - Shield Configuration Extension

Hi all,

I’m trying to work with the Shield Configuration Extension, and I’m running into some problems that I’m unsure are solvable.

See below for my code. I’m trying to create a second button that allows you to go to a web domain or another app. As I see it this is not possible following the Apple documentation regarding the Shield Config. But is there perhaps a work around?

import ManagedSettings
import ManagedSettingsUI
import UIKit

class ShieldConfigurationExtension: ShieldConfigurationDataSource {

// Default shield configuration for any application
override func configuration(shielding application: Application) -> ShieldConfiguration {
    return ShieldConfiguration(
        backgroundBlurStyle: .dark,
        backgroundColor: SharedAssets.uistepperBGPurple2.withAlphaComponent(0.9),
        icon: UIImage(named: "squaredIconSmallNoBG"),
        title: .init(text: "Blocked By App", color: SharedAssets.uistepperWhite),
        subtitle: .init(text: subtitleText(for: application), color: UIColor.secondaryLabel),
        primaryButtonLabel: .init(text: "OK", color: SharedAssets.uistepperWhite),
        primaryButtonBackgroundColor: SharedAssets.uistepperBGPurple2,
        secondaryButtonLabel: secondaryButtonLabel(for: application)

// Shield configuration for applications shielded because of their category
override func configuration(shielding application: Application, in category: ActivityCategory) -> ShieldConfiguration {
    return ShieldConfiguration(
        backgroundBlurStyle: .dark,
        backgroundColor:,  // Darker background for this category
        icon: UIImage(named: "categoryIcon"),
        title: .init(text: "Blocked by App - Category", color: UIColor.white),
        subtitle: .init(text: "This app is blocked due to your activity category.", color: UIColor.lightGray),
        primaryButtonLabel: .init(text: "OK", color: UIColor.white),
        secondaryButtonLabel: nil // No secondary button for this category

// Shield configuration for web domains
override func configuration(shielding webDomain: WebDomain) -> ShieldConfiguration {
    return ShieldConfiguration(
        backgroundBlurStyle: .dark,
        backgroundColor: UIColor.darkGray.withAlphaComponent(0.8),
        icon: UIImage(named: "webIcon"),
        title: .init(text: "Blocked Web Domain", color: UIColor.white),
        subtitle: .init(text: "You can't access this web domain right now.", color: UIColor.gray),
        primaryButtonLabel: .init(text: "Close", color: UIColor.white),
        primaryButtonBackgroundColor: UIColor.darkGray,
        secondaryButtonLabel: nil // No secondary button for web domains

// Shield configuration for web domains shielded because of their category
override func configuration(shielding webDomain: WebDomain, in category: ActivityCategory) -> ShieldConfiguration {
    return ShieldConfiguration(
        backgroundBlurStyle: .dark,
        backgroundColor: UIColor.brown.withAlphaComponent(0.7),
        icon: UIImage(named: "categoryWebIcon"),
        title: .init(text: "Blocked Web Domain - Category", color: UIColor.white),
        subtitle: .init(text: "This web domain is blocked due to your activity category.", color: UIColor.lightGray),
        primaryButtonLabel: .init(text: "OK", color: UIColor.white),
        primaryButtonBackgroundColor: UIColor.brown,
        secondaryButtonLabel: nil // No secondary button for this category

// Function to generate the subtitle text for an application
private func subtitleText(for application: Application) -> String {
    // An inspirational quote as the subtitle text
    return "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."

// Function to determine the secondary button label for an application
private func secondaryButtonLabel(for application: Application) -> ShieldConfiguration.Label? {
    // Customize the secondary button label
    return .init(text: "Get some motivation", color: UIColor.lightGray)
