XCODE Auto completion different than CodeWithChris

hi all,

Could someone assist me and tell me what option to change in order to get the same Auto Completion Chris gets in his training? I m only at the War Card Game, working on the DEAL Button.

Chris auto completion while typing “Button(” shows lot more than my auto completion. See attached screenshot.

Any hint appreciated.

Hi @fgc92210

Welcome to the community.

The first thing is to know what version of Xcode that Chris was using at the time that course was recorded (Xcode 14) compared to what you are using as of today.

Autocomplete is more or less the same but options available can be different depending on the version of Xcode or the underlying iOS version that is targeted.

For example, I still have Xcode 16.0 installed and the latest is 16.1. Is there any difference in Autocomplete between 16.0 and 16.1? That I don’t know. I am also still running macOS 14.5 and the latest version is Sequoia 15.1 Do I update macOS? Probably should but there is no imperative just now as far as I am concerned.

That said, by creating a new WarCard project just now and adding a Button to the View I get these options from autocomplete when I type the word Button:

In the video the options available to Chris…

…is different to what I have available. It’s something that you will get used to over time when newer versions of Xcode become available which support the latest version of iOS.

Got it, thank you.