Finished the SwiftUI Slots App? Post your Screenshot Here!

Congrats, Aman! Outstanding work. One more badge and you’ll get them all. Keep on going! :slight_smile:

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Congratulations! Awesome job! Pleased to award your 2nd badge to you. :slight_smile:

Hi Chris and everyone.

Thank you for the videos. I’m learning a lot from you.

I’d love to add animations and sound. That’ll be my next challenge!


Congratulations for completing this challenge amazingly! :slight_smile: Pleased to award to you your well-deserved badge. Keep on going! :slight_smile:

Hi Chris, here there are the screens of my attempt! I changed the assets and colors , extended the number of symbols from 3 to 6 and added a toggle to show an image every time the player wins : )


Excellent! You’re a star! Thanks for taking this challenge up a notch. Keep on going! And badge awarded! :slight_smile:


Congratulations! Hope you had fun doing this challenge. Badge awarded. :slight_smile:

And here is my Slot App with the extra button and the check for diagonal wins :slight_smile:


Hi, my first app. Many thanks Chris for the wonderful explaining.


Well done, congratulations! What a way to start 2021. Keep on going! :slight_smile: Badge awarded!

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Awesome, Hussam! Congrats on completing this challenge. Try our other challenges! Badge awarded! :slight_smile:

Chris , thank you for this lessen.
Build it once to see it, build it twice to understand it.

And I build it a third time with my own content.


:clap:t2: Very inspiring design! Thank you for posting.

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I smell a jackpot! Added my own spin on the graphics. It seems there is a 9-slot challenge that I’ve yet to encounter…I’m sure I will get there soon!

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That looks great! 12 is a huge feat…does your program award more for 4 in a row on the columns?

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What a star you are! Thank you for enjoying this challenge so much! You have a promising path ahead of you. Congrats on your well-deserved badge! :slight_smile:

WELL DONE! Congrats for giving this challenge your own spin! Enjoy your 2nd badge!

Syrgiu - thank you!
You can choose. Either you play one row (the top row), pay five coins and can win 50 coins.
Or you play all rows, pay 25 coins and can win 250 coins.
There are twelve birds so you get a lot of variations and do not win often.