Finished the War Card Game? Post Your Screenshot Here!

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Well done, congratulations on your first badge! :slight_smile:

Keep on going! Hope you had fun. Enjoy your new badge!

All the best, Bob! Thanks for doing this challenge! Enjoy your badge!

Thank you for a highly informative and productive session! Looking forward to incorporating my domain expertise into app building!

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Yay! Congratulations! I just awarded to you your well-deserved first badge. Keep on going!

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Hi @Jasim_Altaf

Welcome to the Code Crew community.

In your code you have a warning at the bottom where I have added an arrow in the attached image. The reason is that you are performing a comparison rightScore == leftScore and the result returns either true or false.

I’m pretty sure you intended to use an if statement so what you should have is as follows:

if rightScore == leftScore {
    print("It is a TIE")

Thank you so much for your response, I will go ahead and update this code. All your lessons were very helpful and I’m looking forward to continuing and learning more from you. Thank you once again, keep up the good work.

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Thanks but don’t confuse me with the owner of CodeWithChris. We are two different people. Chris Ching is the owner of CodeWithChris and I am one of the Moderators on this group who just happens to have the same first name.

Again I finished this app a LONG time ago but I don’t know why I never asked for a badge until now.

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Awesome, Pratham! Enjoy your 2nd badge, so well-deserved!

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Thanks for the kind words! I really appreciate it!

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Thank you for learning with us! Keep on going! Enjoy your first badge. :slight_smile:

Hello Chris, thank you for the introduction into the world of iOS app development via the War Card 10 Lessons.

I enjoyed doing the lessons and I’m going straight onto building my first app/game for the iOS store.


Congratulations! Your badge is so well-deserved! Thanks for learning with us. Keep on going!

Great tutorial, many thanks.

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Congratulations, Martin! Pleased to award to your first well-deserved badge. Keep on going!

Finished it. Thanks for the tutorial. Looking forward to the next one.

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